Opening hours

Winter season 2022/2023

1.11.2022 till 31.3.2023
Garden with Baroque Sala terrena open daily from 7,00 to 16,00
Interiors closed


Season 2023

The chateau box office is closed from 12:00 to 12:45. There are no tours starting at this time.

1. Waldstein apartments (basic tour)

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-31. 3. closed
1. 4.-30. 4. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
17. 4. thu 10.00 – 15.00
18. 4. fri 10.00 – 15.00
21. 4. mon 10.00 – 15.00
1. 5.-30. 9. tue–sun 9.00 – 16.00
1. 10.-30. 10. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
27. 10. mon 10.00 – 15.00
28. 10. tue 10.00 – 15.00
29. 10. wed 10.00 – 15.00
1. 11. sat 10.00 – 14.00
2. 11. sun 10.00 – 14.00
3. 11.-31. 12. closed
1. 1.-31. 3. closed

Original period interiors with wall paintings from Georg Hisler from the late 18th century, Delphi faience from the 17th–19th centuries, Japanese and Meissen porcelain. Small gallery with 112 paintings, 18th century Waldstein library from Duchcov, which was run by Casanova.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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2. Theatre and collections of the Assembly of Monarchs

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-30. 4. closed
1. 5.-30. 9. tue–sun 10.15 – 15.15
1. 10.-31. 12. closed
1. 1.-30. 4. closed

Original Neo-Classical theatre with period scenery, dressing room for actors, armoury, memorial, Empire and hunting salons furnished on the occasion of the meeting of the Emperors of the Holy Alliance in 1833 at Mnichovo Hradiště.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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3. Church and chapel with the tomb of Albrecht of Wallenstein

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-31. 3. closed
1. 4.-30. 4. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
17. 4.-21. 4. mon, thu, fri, sat, sun 10.00 – 15.00
1. 5.-30. 9. tue–sun 10.00 – 15.00
26. 7. sat closed
27. 7. sun closed
1. 10.-31. 10. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
27. 10.-29. 10. mon–wed 10.00 – 15.00
1. 11.-31. 12. closed
1. 1.-31. 3. closed

In the Adoration of the Magi Church and the Chapel of St. Anne there is the tomb of the famous leader of the Thirty Years' War Albrecht of Wallenstein, a permanent exhibition to honor his life and death, and a collection of Baroque sandstone statues.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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4. Garden with Baroque Sala terrena

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-31. 3. mon–sun 7.00 – 16.00
1. 4.-30. 4. mon–sun 7.00 – 17.00
1. 5.-31. 5. mon–sun 7.00 – 18.00
1. 6.-31. 8. mon–sun 7.00 – 20.00
1. 9.-30. 9. mon–sun 7.00 – 18.00
1. 10.-31. 10. mon–sun 7.00 – 17.00
1. 11.-31. 12. mon–sun 7.00 – 16.00
1. 1.-31. 3. mon–sun 7.00 – 16.00

The chateau park with a view of the sala terrena is freely accessible while respecting the visitor rules.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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